Membership Subscriptions
Joining Fee - No Charge
MEMBERSHIP FEES for Bowling Season 2024
Full Membership £105 payable in full by 31st January or in two installments of £55 by 31st January and £50 by 31st March.
Social Membership £60 payable by 31st January
Under 18 years of age £30 payable by 31st January
Associate Membership £8 payable by 31st January
For anyone joining the Club after 30th June the following will apply
Full Membership £63
Social Membership £36
Under 18 years of age £30
Associate Membership £8
New Members who haven’t previously played bowls of any discipline will be entitled to pay the following fees.
Full Membership £60
Social Membership £30
Under 18 years of age £15
or who join after 30th June
Full Membership £32
Social Membership £18
Under 18 years of age £15